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International Day of Light B2

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B1 B2 Level English Reading Lesson - International Day of Light

This is a free B2 upper-intermediate level English reading lesson about International Day of Light. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise

International Day of Light

B1 B2 Level English Reading Lesson - International Day of Light

In our modern world, light plays a central role in many aspects. It is not only essential for natural life but also for technological advancements. Recognizing its importance, an international light day has been established. This day is dedicated to appreciating light science and its multiple applications. It encourages us to understand light’s role in promoting sustainable development.

Light affects numerous aspects of our daily lives. Its science underpins the technological devices we use every day. For instance, fiber-optic cables carry data across vast oceans at the speed of light. This technology enables us to communicate instantly all around the globe. On this day, we celebrate these innovations and seek to learn more about them.

Awareness about light also involves understanding its effects on health and well-being. The sun’s light regulates our sleep patterns and vitamin D production. On the flip side, overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt our natural rhythms. The day sheds light on these concerns and promotes healthy practices.

Moreover, light technology contributes to environmental sustainability. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels. Energy-efficient LED lighting helps decrease electricity consumption. On international light day, we recognize such green innovations and their benefits for our planet.

Finally, this special day is also an occasion to inspire future generations. Education and public outreach activities aim to spark interest in the young about the sciences of light. Budding scientists are encouraged to develop new technologies that will continue to improve our lives.

The message is clear: light is indispensable in our lives. Through education, responsible usage, and innovation, light science has the power to lead us towards a brighter, greener future.

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General Level: B2.1

Vocabulary: B2.5

Verb Form: A2.7

Clause: A2.4


advancement    NOUN    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. gradual improvement or growth or development


bud    VERB    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. a partially opened flower
    n. a swelling on a plant stem consisting of overlapping immature leaves or petals
    v. develop buds
    v. start to grow or develop


fiber-optic    NOUN    +∞    1

Definition (En):

  1. of or relating to fiber optics


flip    ADJ    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. hot or cold alcoholic mixed drink containing a beaten egg
    n. a sudden, quick movement
    n. the act of flipping a coin
    n. a dive in which the diver somersaults before entering the water


indispensable    ADJ    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. not to be dispensed with; essential
    s. unavoidable


outreach    NOUN    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. the act of reaching out


overexposure    NOUN    +∞    1

Definition (En):

  1. the act of exposing film to too much light or for too long a time
    n. the act of exposing someone excessively to an influencing experience


reliance    NOUN    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. certainty based on past experience
    n. the state of relying on something


shed    VERB    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. an outbuilding with a single story; used for shelter or storage
    v. get rid of
    v. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers


solar    NOUN    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun


spark    VERB    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. a small but noticeable trace of some quality that might become stronger
    n. Scottish writer of satirical novels (born in 1918)
    n. a small fragment of a burning substance thrown out by burning material or by friction
    v. emit or produce sparks


sustainability    NOUN    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the property of being sustainable


underpin    VERB    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. support from beneath


well-being    NOUN    C1    1

Definition (En):

n a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous


Phrases and Idioms



aim to

·  Education and public outreach activities aim to spark interest in the young about the sciences of light.

around the globe

·  This technology enables us to communicate instantly all around the globe.

contribute to (something)

·  Moreover, light technology contributes to environmental sustainability.

fossil fuel

·  Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.

of (one’s) life

·  Light affects numerous aspects of our daily lives.

shed light on something

·  The day sheds light on these concerns and promotes healthy practices.

speeds of (some amount)

·  For instance, fiber-optic cables carry data across vast oceans at the speed of light.


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True / False / Not Given

  1. Light is crucial for both living beings and the progress in technology.


  1. There is a global day to reflect on the negative impacts of light.


  1. Data transmission through fiber-optic cables is slower than the speed of light.


  1. International light day promotes the learning of light’s role in advancing sustainable development.


  1. Artificial lighting is introduced as beneficial for our sleep patterns and vitamin D levels.


  1. All technological devices are underpinned by the science of light.


  1. LED lighting contributes to greater electricity consumption.


  1. The day advocates for the development of eco-friendly technologies.


  1. Activities on this day also aim to inspire the elderly to learn about light sciences.


  1. Using light science responsibly can guide us towards a more sustainable future.
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Multiple Choice

1)     Why was an international light day established?

a) To provide a day of rest from technology

b) To celebrate the importance of light in various fields

c) To increase sales for light-based products

d) To solely focus on the scientific research of light


2)     What is the relationship between light and communication technology?

a) Light has no real impact on modern communication

b) Light is used to clean communication devices

c) Light-based technology allows instant global communication

d) Light is used to make communication devices heavier


3)     What aspect of light’s influence is discussed in relation to health and well-being?

a) The sun’s light increases risks of common colds

b) Artificial lighting can improve our natural rhythms

c) Light has no effect on our health or well-being

d) The sun’s light regulates sleep patterns and vitamin D production


4)     How do solar panels contribute to environmental sustainability?

a) By increasing the use of fossil fuels

b) By converting sunlight into electricity

c) By emitting greenhouse gases into the atmosphere

d) By requiring more energy to operate than they produce


5)     What is the main goal of the educational efforts on international light day?

a) To stop people from using technology

b) To discourage studying sciences related to light

c) To inspire young people’s interest in light sciences

d) To demonstrate that light science is outdated


6)     What can be inferred about the potential of light science for the future?

a) It is expected to lead to a dimmer future

b) It will have minimal impact on future advancements

c) It has the power to lead toward a brighter, greener future

d) It will soon be replaced by other forms of science


7)     What negative effect of artificial lighting is mentioned in the text?

a) It can cause permanent blindness

b) It increases electrical conductivity in the body

c) It can disrupt our natural rhythms

d) It is a major cause of global warming


8)     What role does light play in regulating our natural life according to the text?

a) It creates darkness necessary for sleep

b) It dictates our food consumption habits

c) It is only essential for vision in humans

d) It regulates sleep patterns and vitamin D production


9)     On international light day, what do we do in regards to light’s technological applications?

a) Disregard all technological advancements

b) Limit our use of technology to save energy

c) Celebrate innovations enabled by light

d) Protest against the use of artificial lighting


10)  Why are budding scientists encouraged on international light day?

a) To abandon the field of light sciences

b) To compete in who can create the brightest light

c) To work in non-scientific fields

d) To develop new technologies that improve our lives

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Short Answer Questions

  1. Why has an international light day been established?


  1. What technology is highlighted for carrying data at the speed of light?


  1. How does natural light affect human health?


  1. What negative effect of artificial lighting is mentioned?


  1. What is the environmental benefit of light technology mentioned in the text?


  1. What is the purpose of educational activities on international light day?


  1. How do solar panels contribute to reducing reliance on fossil fuels?


  1. How can responsible usage of light lead us to a better future?


  1. What role does light play in technological devices we use daily?


  1. How does LED lighting help in energy conservation?
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True / False / Not Given Answers


Answer: True

Explanation: The statement is true; the text specifically states that light is essential for life and technological advancements.

Answer location: “It is not only essential for natural life but also for technological advancements.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The statement is false; the text talks about appreciating light science and applications, not reflecting on negative impacts.

Answer location: “This day is dedicated to appreciating light science and its multiple applications.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The statement is false; according to the text, fiber-optic cables carry data at the speed of light.

Answer location: “For instance, fiber-optic cables carry data across vast oceans at the speed of light.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The statement is true; the text encourages understanding light’s role in promoting sustainable development.

Answer location: “It encourages us to understand light’s role in promoting sustainable development.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The statement is false; the text says that overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt natural rhythms.

Answer location: “overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt our natural rhythms.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The statement is ‘Not Given’; the text does not affirm that all devices are underpinned by light science.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: False

Explanation: The statement is false; the text states that LED lighting is energy-efficient and decreases electricity consumption.

Answer location: “Energy-efficient LED lighting helps decrease electricity consumption.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The statement is true; international light day is about recognizing green innovations.

Answer location: “On international light day, we recognize such green innovations and their benefits for our planet.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The statement is ‘Not Given’; the text only mentions inspirations for future generations.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: The statement is true; the text indicates that responsible usage of light science can lead to a sustainable future.

Answer location: “Through education, responsible usage, and innovation, light science has the power to lead us towards a brighter, greener future.”


Multiple Choice Answers


Answer: B

Explanation: The text states that the day is for appreciating light science and its multiple applications, which indicates celebration of its importance in various fields, not just for rest, sales, or scientific research.

Answer location: “Recognizing its importance, an international light day has been established. This day is dedicated to appreciating light science and its multiple applications.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The given text refers to fiber-optic cables using light to carry data, enabling instant communication globally, which does not suggest that it has no impact, cleans devices, or makes them heavier.

Answer location: “For instance, fiber-optic cables carry data across vast oceans at the speed of light. This technology enables us to communicate instantly all around the globe.”



Answer: D

Explanation: The text explicitly mentions that the sun’s light regulates sleep patterns and vitamin D production, which relate to health and well-being, unlike the other choices which contradict the information given in the text.

Answer location: “The sun’s light regulates our sleep patterns and vitamin D production. On the flip side, overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt our natural rhythms.”



Answer: B

Explanation: The text clearly states that solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, implying a reduction in fossil fuel reliance, and does not suggest they increase fossil use, emit greenhouse gases, or are inefficient.

Answer location: “Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The text aims to inspire interest among young people in light sciences, as it mentions education and public outreach activities. The other choices are not mentioned or suggested as goals in the text.

Answer location: “Education and public outreach activities aim to spark interest in the young about the sciences of light.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The text suggests that light science has the potential for a positive impact on the future, specifically a ‘brighter, greener future,’ which is not aligned with the notions of leading to a dimmer future, minimal impact, or being replaced.

Answer location: “Through education, responsible usage, and innovation, light science has the power to lead us towards a brighter, greener future.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The text talks about artificial lighting’s potential to disrupt our natural rhythms, not causing blindness, increasing electrical conductivity, or being a major cause of global warming.

Answer location: “Overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt our natural rhythms.”



Answer: D

Explanation: According to the text, light from the sun regulates sleep patterns and vitamin D production, not creating darkness, dictating food habits, or being solely essential for human vision.

Answer location: “The sun’s light regulates our sleep patterns and vitamin D production.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The text indicates celebration of technological innovations related to light on this special day, not disregarding them, limiting use, or protesting against artificial lighting.

Answer location: “On this day, we celebrate these innovations and seek to learn more about them.”



Answer: D

Explanation: The text states that budding scientists are encouraged to create new technologies for improving lives, not to abandon the field, compete in brightness, or work outside of science.

Answer location: “Budding scientists are encouraged to develop new technologies that will continue to improve our lives.”


Short Answer Answers


Answer: To appreciate light science and its applications.

Explanation: The text explains the establishment of an international light day is to appreciate the science of light and its multiple applications.

Answer location: “Recognizing its importance, an international light day has been established.”



Answer: Fiber-optic cables.

Explanation: Fiber-optic cables are mentioned as a technology that uses the science of light to carry data quickly.

Answer location: “For instance, fiber-optic cables carry data across vast oceans at the speed of light.”



Answer: Regulates sleep patterns and vitamin d production.

Explanation: The answer is directly stated in the text, highlighting the role of the sun’s light in sleep regulation and vitamin D production.

Answer location: “The sun’s light regulates our sleep patterns and vitamin D production.”



Answer: Disrupts natural rhythms.

Explanation: Artificial lighting’s disruption of natural rhythms is highlighted as a negative effect.

Answer location: “Overexposure to artificial lighting can disrupt our natural rhythms.”



Answer: Contributes to environmental sustainability.

Explanation: Environmental sustainability is mentioned as a benefit of light technology.

Answer location: “Moreover, light technology contributes to environmental sustainability.”



Answer: To spark interest in the science of light amongst the young.

Explanation: The text states that one purpose of education on this day is to spur interest among young people in light sciences.

Answer location: “Education and public outreach activities aim to spark interest in the young about the sciences of light.”



Answer: Convert sunlight into electricity.

Explanation: The text explains that solar panels converting sunlight into electricity is a means of reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Answer location: “Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, reducing our reliance on fossil fuels.”



Answer: By promoting a brighter, greener future.

Explanation: Responsible usage of light, along with education and innovation, is stated as leading towards a brighter and greener future.

Answer location: “Through education, responsible usage, and innovation, light science has the power to lead us towards a brighter, greener future.”



Answer: Underpins technological devices.

Explanation: The text indicates that the science of light is fundamental to the function of everyday technological devices.

Answer location: “Its science underpins the technological devices we use every day.”



Answer: Helps decrease electricity consumption.

Explanation: The text mentions that LED lighting contributes to energy conservation by helping to decrease electricity consumption.

Answer location: “Energy-efficient LED lighting helps decrease electricity consumption.”

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