Staycation: Vacation at Home B1

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This is a free B1 intermediate level English reading lesson about Staycation: Vacation at Home. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on vacation and staycation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Staycation: Vacation at Home

Free reading lesson on vacation and staycation, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 levels.

Table of Contents

Staycation: Vacation at Home

Sometimes, we spend our holidays at home, often called a staycation. It can be relaxing and saves money compared to traveling far. You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags. Here are some ideas for a great staycation.

Firstly, you can explore your own city as if you were a tourist. Visit local museums, parks, or new places you haven’t been to. You might discover hidden gems right where you live. Don’t forget to try different foods at local restaurants or cafes.

Secondly, you could have a day of pampering at home. Take a long bath, do your nails, or maybe even try a new hairstyle. Put on your favourite music and relax. You can invite friends over and make it more special with everyone’s company.

Another activity is to have a movie marathon with snacks and drinks. Choose films that you love or ones you’ve never seen before. Make your living room cosy with pillows and blankets. Don’t forget to turn off the lights for a better movie experience.

Organizing your space is also a good idea during a staycation. Clean out your closet, sort your books or rearrange your room. This might not sound like fun, but it feels great after. You will create a peaceful space where you can enjoy spending time.

Lastly, you can start a small garden or plant some flowers on your balcony. Gardening is a peaceful hobby that can make you happy. Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.

In conclusion, you don’t need to go far to have a wonderful holiday. Staycations offer many possibilities to relax and enjoy your time. Whether you try something new or enjoy simple pleasures, the most important thing is to have fun.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: B1.0

Vocabulary: A2.7

Verb Forms: A2.6

Sentences: B1.0


closet    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a small private room for study or prayer
    v. confine to a small space, as for intensive work


cosy    ADJ    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a padded cloth covering to keep a teapot warm


gem    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. art highly prized for its beauty or perfection
    n. a crystalline rock that can be cut and polished for jewelry


joy    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the emotion of great happiness
    n. something or someone that provides a source of happiness


lastly    ADV    B2    x1

Definition (En):

r the item at the end


marathon    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. any long and arduous undertaking
    n. a footrace of 26 miles 385 yards
    n. a battle in 490 BC in which the Athenians and their allies defeated the Persians


pampering    NOUN    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. gratifying tastes, appetites, or desires


rearrange    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. put into a new order or arrangement





a lot of


  • Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.

hidden gem


  • You might discover hidden gems right where you live.

pack your bags


  • You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags.

plenty of (something)


  • You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False / Not Given

  1. To save money, one should not do any fun activities on a staycation.


  1. Visiting new places in your city might help you find interesting spots you haven’t noticed before.


  1. Changing the arrangement of your room is a recommended staycation activity.


  1. Watching movies during daytime is not advised for a better viewing experience.


  1. A staycation means you can only rest without involving in any other activities.


  1. Friends can be invited over during a staycation to make activities more enjoyable.


  1. The text suggests that you can only enjoy a holiday by going far from home.


  1. A staycation is not as relaxing as a vacation where you travel far.


  1. It’s important to be outside your home all the time during a staycation.


  1. Growing plants on your balcony can be part of your staycation activities.

Multiple Choice

1. Why might someone choose to have a staycation?

  A. Because they don’t like their home

  B. To save money and relax

  C. Because it requires a lot of packing

  D. There are no fun activities to do


2. What is an advantage of exploring your own city?

  A. You must travel far

  B. There are no new places to discover

  C. You might find hidden gems

  D. It is very expensive


3. What can you do to make a day of pampering more special?

  A. Ignore your friends

  B. Invite friends over

  C. Leave your home

  D. Do nothing all day


4. How can you enhance your movie marathon experience at home?

  A. Go to a cinema

  B. Turn off the lights

  C. Watch without snacks

  D. Don’t use pillows and blankets


5. Why is organizing your space during a staycation beneficial?

  A. It costs a lot of money

  B. It can’t be done at home

  C. It’s not a popular activity

  D. It creates a peaceful space


6. What is a result of planting flowers or starting a small garden?

  A. It makes your space noisy

  B. It can bring a lot of joy

  C. It’s bad for the environment

  D. Plants will never grow


7. Why is having a staycation a good idea according to the text?

  A. It’s more tiring than working

  B. There are no options for relaxation

  C. It offers many possibilities to enjoy

  D. Staycations are always boring


8. What should you remember to do when visiting local eateries during a staycation?

  A. Avoid trying different foods

  B. Try the same food you always eat

  C. Try different foods at local restaurants or cafes

  D. Go to another city to eat


9. How can you make your staycation feel more like a traditional holiday?

  A. By staying indoors all the time

  B. By avoiding any new activities

  C. By doing fun activities without traveling far

  D. By working through the holiday


10. What is an activity mentioned that you can do alone during a staycation?

  A. Having a party with lots of guests

  B. Exploring the city with a tour guide

  C. Taking a long bath

D. Traveling to another country

Short Answer

  1. What is a staycation?


  1. What are two benefits of a staycation mentioned in the text?


  1. Why are local restaurants mentioned in the staycation activities?


  1. What can you do at home to pamper yourself?


  1. How can you make a movie marathon special?


  1. What is one result of organizing your space during a staycation?


  1. What is a benefit of gardening mentioned in the text?


  1. Why might someone choose to have a staycation?


  1. What should you do during a movie marathon to improve the experience?


  1. Why is planting flowers on your balcony a suggested staycation activity?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Sometimes, we spend our holidays at home, often called a staycation. It can be ___1___ and saves money compared to traveling far. You still can do plenty of ___2___ activities without the need to ___3___ your bags. Here are some ideas for a great staycation.

Firstly, you can ___4___ your own city as if you were a tourist. Visit local museums, parks, or new places you haven’t been to. You might discover ___5___ gems right where you live. Don’t forget to try different foods at local restaurants or cafes.

Secondly, you could have a day of ___6___ at home. Take a long bath, do your nails, or maybe even try a new hairstyle. Put on your favourite music and relax. You can invite friends over and make it more special with everyone’s company.

Another activity is to have a movie ___7___ with snacks and drinks. Choose films that you love or ones you’ve never seen before. Make your living room cosy with pillows and blankets. Don’t forget to turn off the lights for a better movie experience.

Organizing your space is also a good ___8___ during a staycation. Clean out your closet, sort your books or rearrange your room. This might not sound like fun, but it feels great after. You will create a peaceful space where you can enjoy spending time.

Lastly, you can start a small garden or plant some flowers on your balcony. Gardening is a ___9___ hobby that can make you happy. Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.

In conclusion, you don’t need to go far to have a wonderful holiday. Staycations offer many possibilities to ___10___ and enjoy your time. Whether you try something new or enjoy simple pleasures, the most important thing is to have fun.


1) A. relaxing    B. expensive    C. boring    D. complicated   

2) A. sad    B. fun    C. dull    D. hard   

3) A. throw    B. pack    C. drag    D. buy   

4) A. leave    B. ignore    C. explore    D. forget   

5) A. expensive    B. hidden    C. famous    D. small   

6) A. work    B. pampering    C. exercise    D. cooking   

7) A. sport    B. marathon    C. race    D. game   

8) A. idea    B. book    C. problem    D. song   

9) A. stressful    B. loud    C. peaceful    D. quick   

10) A. work    B. relax    C. leave    D. return   

Exercise Answers

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. False

Explanation: The text says you can still do fun activities during a staycation to save money, not that you shouldn’t do any.

(“It can be relaxing and saves money compared to traveling far. You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text says visiting new places might let you discover hidden gems in your own city.

(“Visit local museums, parks, or new places you haven’t been to. You might discover hidden gems right where you live.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text suggests rearranging your room as a good staycation activity.

(“Organizing your space is also a good idea during a staycation. Clean out your closet, sort your books or rearrange your room.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: The text does not mention anything about the time of day when movies should be watched.



  1. False

Explanation: The text contradicts this statement by mentioning various activities one can do during a staycation.

(“You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text mentions inviting friends to enhance the staycation experience.

(“You can invite friends over and make it more special with everyone’s company.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text clearly states that one doesn’t need to go far for a wonderful holiday.

(“In conclusion, you don’t need to go far to have a wonderful holiday.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text implies that staycations can be relaxing and they save money.

(“It can be relaxing and saves money compared to traveling far.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text clearly includes activities at home as part of a staycation.

(“Secondly, you could have a day of pampering at home.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text suggests planting flowers on the balcony as a staycation activity.

(“Lastly, you can start a small garden or plant some flowers on your balcony.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. B

Explanation: The text mentions that staycations can be relaxing and save money, which is why someone might choose it over traveling far.

(“It can be relaxing and saves money compared to traveling far.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Discovering hidden gems is an advantage of exploring your own city as the text suggests one may find new and interesting places.

(“You might discover hidden gems right where you live.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Inviting friends over is suggested as a way to make a day of pampering more special.

(“You can invite friends over and make it more special with everyone’s company.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Turning off the lights is mentioned as a way to enhance the movie-watching experience at home.

(“Don’t forget to turn off the lights for a better movie experience.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text explains that organizing your space is beneficial as it creates a peaceful space.

(“You will create a peaceful space where you can enjoy spending time.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text says that watching your plants grow can bring a lot of joy, which is a result of gardening or planting.

(“Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text states that staycations offer many possibilities to relax and enjoy your time, which is why it’s a good idea.

(“Staycations offer many possibilities to relax and enjoy your time.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Trying different foods at local restaurants or cafes is suggested as an activity to remember when on a staycation.

(“Don’t forget to try different foods at local restaurants or cafes.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Doing fun activities without needing to travel far can make a staycation feel more like a traditional holiday as suggested by the text.

(“You still can do plenty of fun activities without the need to pack your bags.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Taking a long bath is an example of an activity you can do alone during a staycation, as per the text.

(“Take a long bath, do your nails, or maybe even try a new hairstyle.”)


Short Answer Answers

  1. Spending holidays at home.

Explanation: The text defines a staycation as spending holidays at home.

(“Sometimes, we spend our holidays at home, often called a staycation.”)


  1. Relaxing and saves money.

Explanation: The text mentions that a staycation can be relaxing and it saves money which are considered benefits.

(“It can be relaxing and saves money compared to traveling far.”)


  1. To try different foods.

Explanation: Local restaurants are mentioned as places to try different foods, which is part of exploring the city.

(“Don’t forget to try different foods at local restaurants or cafes.”)


  1. Take a long bath, do nails, try a new hairstyle.

Explanation: The text lists examples of activities for self-pampering like taking a long bath, doing nails, or trying a new hairstyle.

(“Take a long bath, do your nails, or maybe even try a new hairstyle.”)


  1. Cosy living room with pillows, blankets, and lights off.

Explanation: The text suggests making the living room cosy with pillows and blankets, and turning off the lights to enhance the movie experience.

(“Make your living room cosy with pillows and blankets. Don’t forget to turn off the lights for a better movie experience.”)


  1. Creates a peaceful space.

Explanation: By organizing your space, the text states that you will create a more peaceful area to spend time in.

(“You will create a peaceful space where you can enjoy spending time.”)


  1. Watching plants grow brings joy.

Explanation: The text mentions that watching plants grow can bring joy which is a benefit of gardening.

(“Watching your plants grow every day can bring a lot of joy.”)


  1. To relax and enjoy time without traveling far.

Explanation: The conclusion of the text implies that the purpose of a staycation is to relax and enjoy time without the need for distant travel.

(“In conclusion, you don’t need to go far to have a wonderful holiday.”)


  1. Turn off the lights.

Explanation: Turning off the lights is mentioned as a way to improve the movie experience during a movie marathon.

(“Don’t forget to turn off the lights for a better movie experience.”)


  1. It’s a peaceful hobby that makes you happy.

Explanation: Planting flowers is suggested because gardening is considered a peaceful hobby that brings happiness according to the text.

(“Gardening is a peaceful hobby that can make you happy.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Relaxing’ is the correct term for a staycation that saves money.


  1. B

Explanation: The correct word is ‘fun’, which fits the context of holiday activities.


  1. B

Explanation: The verb ‘pack’ is used in relation to preparing bags for travel.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Explore’ means to travel through a place to learn about it.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Hidden gems’ is a phrase meaning special things that are not well-known.


  1. B

Explanation: The term ‘pampering’ relates to self-care activities described.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Marathon’ complements ‘movie’ to mean watching films for an extended time.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Idea’ is the correct term for a suggestion during a staycation.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Peaceful’ hobby correctly describes gardening as something that brings joy.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘relax’ correctly follows the context of enjoying time on holiday.

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