Anna's Fight Against Climate Change B1

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A2, B1 Level of English Reading Lesson - Anna's Fight Against Climate Change
This is a free B1 intermediate level English reading lesson about climate change, generated using Cathoven AI tools. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in various formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions

Anna’s Fight Against Climate Change

A2, B1 Level of English Reading Lesson - Anna's Fight Against Climate Change

Anna looked out the window at the endless rain pouring down. She remembered when the seasons were different. Now it felt like it rained all the time, and the sun rarely shone. In the past, her grandparents talked about snowy winters and warm summers. Those days seemed far away.

Her small town had changed a lot because of climate change. The river nearby had flooded twice last year. Many people lost their homes, and some even moved away. Trees that once shaded the streets were now gone, replaced by empty spaces. Schools taught children how to prepare for natural disasters, which was never part of the curriculum before.

One day, Anna and her friend Mike decided to plant trees. They wanted to help their town breathe again. They gathered other kids and explained their plan. Everyone was excited and ready to help. They found a spot near the old playground and started digging holes. It was hard work, but they laughed and shared stories, making it fun.

As the days passed, more volunteers joined them. The local community supported their efforts by donating seeds and tools. Slowly, the playground turned green again. Trees began to grow, and birds returned, chirping happily in the once silent area.

Anna learned that even small actions can make a big difference. She realized that they couldn’t control the weather, but they could make their town better. The project brought people together, and new friendships formed. Anna smiled, feeling hopeful about the future. She knew that with persistence, they could face any challenge. Together, they could adapt and thrive in a changing world.

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General Level: B1.1

Vocabulary: A2.3

Verb Form: A2.4

Clause: B1.0


adapt    VERB    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. make fit for, or change to suit a new purpose


chirp    VERB    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. a sharp sound made by small birds or insects


endless    ADJ    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. tiresomely long; seemingly without end
    s. infinitely great in number
    s. having the ends united so as to form a continuous whole


persistence    NOUN    C2    1

Definition (En):

n the property of a continuous and connected period of time
n persistent determination
n the act of persisting or persevering; continuing or repeating behavior


shade    VERB    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body
    n. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color
    n. protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight
    n. a position of relative inferiority


thrive    VERB    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. make steady progress; be at the high point in one’s career or reach a high point in historical significance or importance

Phrases and Idioms



all the time

·  Now it felt like it rained all the time, and the sun rarely shone.

because of

·  Her small town had changed a lot because of climate change.

breathe again

·  They wanted to help their town breathe again.

bring (someone or something) together

·  The project brought people together, and new friendships formed.

feel (some emotion) about (someone or something)

·  Anna smiled, feeling hopeful about the future.

look out

·  Anna looked out the window at the endless rain pouring down.

make it (something)

·  It was hard work, but they laughed and shared stories, making it fun.

move away

·  Many people lost their homes, and some even moved away.

one day

·  One day, Anna and her friend Mike decided to plant trees.

pour down

·  Anna looked out the window at the endless rain pouring down.

prepare for

·  Schools taught children how to prepare for natural disasters, which was never part of the curriculum before.

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True / False / Not Given

  1. Anna often thought about when the seasons were different.


  1. Anna’s grandparents talked about very dry summers.


  1. The river near Anna’s town flooded twice last year.


  1. Many people moved to Anna’s town recently.


  1. Schools now teach children about gardening.


  1. Anna decided to plant trees with her friend Mike.


  1. The children planted flowers around the playground.


  1. More people joined Anna and Mike each day to help with planting.


  1. Anna learned that small actions don’t have much impact.


  1. Anna felt hopeful about the future due to their efforts.

Multiple Choice

1)     Why did Anna and Mike decide to plant trees?

a)     To keep animals away

b)     To help their town breathe again

c)     To build a playground

d)     To sell the trees


2)     How did the local community support Anna and Mike’s efforts?

a)     By donating seeds and tools

b)     By building houses

c)     By organizing parties

d)     By cutting down trees


3)     What effect did planting trees have on the playground area?

a)     It became green and birds returned

b)     It became a desert

c)     It turned into a parking lot

d)     It turned into a lake


4)     What did Anna learn from planting trees with her friends?

a)     It’s impossible to change the weather

b)     It’s better to work alone

c)     Playing is more fun than working

d)     Small actions can make a big difference


5)     Why did schools start teaching children how to prepare for natural disasters?

a)     Because children asked for it

b)     Because of climate change

c)     To make classes longer

d)     To waste time


6)     What were Anna’s feelings about the future by the end of the story?

a)     Scared

b)     Sad

c)     Angry

d)     Hopeful


7)     What happened to the river near Anna’s town last year?

a)     It flooded twice

b)     It became a lake

c)     It dried up

d)     It turned blue


Short Answer Questions

  1. Why does Anna look out the window at the rain?


  1. What did her grandparents talk about?


  1. What happened to the river nearby last year?


  1. What did Anna and Mike decide to do?


  1. Who helped Anna and Mike with their plan?


  1. How did the local community support Anna’s efforts?


  1. What did Anna learn from the project?
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True / False / Not Given Answers


Answer: True

Explanation: The text says Anna remembered when the seasons were different.

Answer location: “She remembered when the seasons were different.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The text does not mention dry summers.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says the river flooded twice last year.

Answer location: “The river nearby had flooded twice last year.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text says some people moved away, not to the town.

Answer location: “Many people lost their homes, and some even moved away.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The text does not mention gardening in schools.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says Anna and Mike decided to plant trees.

Answer location: “One day, Anna and her friend Mike decided to plant trees.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The text does not mention planting flowers.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says more volunteers joined them each day.

Answer location: “As the days passed, more volunteers joined them.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text says small actions can make a big difference.

Answer location: “Anna learned that even small actions can make a big difference.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says Anna felt hopeful about the future.

Answer location: “Anna smiled, feeling hopeful about the future.”

Multiple Choice Answers


Answer: B

Explanation: Anna and Mike wanted to improve the environment in their town.

Answer location: “One day, Anna and her friend Mike decided to plant trees. They wanted to help their town breathe again.”



Answer: A

Explanation: The community helped by giving seeds and tools for planting trees.

Answer location: “The local community supported their efforts by donating seeds and tools.”



Answer: A

Explanation: The playground became green again and birds returned to the area.

Answer location: “Slowly, the playground turned green again. Trees began to grow, and birds returned, chirping happily in the once silent area.”



Answer: D

Explanation: Anna realized that their small efforts led to positive changes in their community.

Answer location: “Anna learned that even small actions can make a big difference.”



Answer: B

Explanation: Changes in the climate made it necessary to teach kids how to handle natural disasters.

Answer location: “Schools taught children how to prepare for natural disasters, which was never part of the curriculum before.”



Answer: D

Explanation: Anna felt positive and hopeful about the future after seeing their efforts succeed.

Answer location: “Anna smiled, feeling hopeful about the future.”



Answer: A

Explanation: Anna’s town experienced flooding of the river two times in the previous year.

Answer location: “The river nearby had flooded twice last year.”

Short Answer Answers


Answer: It rained all the time.

Explanation: Anna looks out at the rain because it rains very frequently and she misses the sun.

Answer location: “Now it felt like it rained all the time, and the sun rarely shone.”



Answer: Snowy winters and warm summers.

Explanation: Her grandparents remembered different seasons with snow in the winters and warmth in the summers.

Answer location: “In the past, her grandparents talked about snowy winters and warm summers.”



Answer: It flooded twice.

Explanation: The river flooded twice, causing problems for the town.

Answer location: “The river nearby had flooded twice last year.”



Answer: Plant trees.

Explanation: They decided to plant trees to help their town.

Answer location: “One day, Anna and her friend Mike decided to plant trees.”



Answer: Other kids.

Explanation: Other kids joined and helped with planting the trees.

Answer location: “They gathered other kids and explained their plan. Everyone was excited and ready to help.”



Answer: By donating seeds and tools.

Explanation: The local community helped by giving seeds and tools for the project.

Answer location: “The local community supported their efforts by donating seeds and tools.”



Answer: Small actions can make a big difference.

Explanation: She learned that small actions are powerful and can create change.

Answer location: “Anna learned that even small actions can make a big difference.”

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