Jobs That Help Us A2

Free reading lesson on jobs, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.
This is a free A2 pre-intermediate level English listening lesson about jobs, generated using Cathoven AI tools. It includes listening exercises in various formats, along with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze questions

Jobs That Help Us

Free reading lesson on jobs, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels.

Table of Contents

Jobs That Help Us

Many people work in jobs that help us every day. They make our lives easier and safer. Let’s talk about some of these jobs.

Doctors are very important for our health. They look after us when we are sick. If we get hurt, they help us feel better. Doctors work hard to make sure we can live a healthy life.

Teachers help us learn new things. They teach us how to read and write. Good teachers show us how to count and share. They prepare us for life and other jobs.

Police officers keep us safe. They work day and night. They catch people who break the law. Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.

Fire fighters are brave. They fight fire and save people. They also teach us how to stay safe from fire. Fire fighters work as a team to protect us.

Mechanics fix our cars when they break down. They check the engines and change the oil. Mechanics keep our cars running well. This way, we can go to work and school.

Cleaners are important too. They make sure everything is clean. Our schools, hospitals, and streets look nice because of cleaners. A clean place is a happy place to be.

All these jobs are very helpful. They make our lives better every day. We thank them for their hard work.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: A2.2

Vocabulary: A1.5

Verb Forms: A1.5

Sentences: A2.0


brave    ADJ    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a North American Indian warrior
    n. people who are brave
    a. possessing or displaying courage; able to face and deal with danger or fear without flinching
    s. brightly colored and showy


fighter    NOUN    C1    x2

Definition (En):

  1. a high-speed military or naval airplane designed to destroy enemy aircraft in the air





break the law


  • They catch people who break the law.

day and night


  • They work day and night.

in trouble


  • Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.

police officer


  • Police officers keep us safe.
  • Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False

  1. Doctors only work when we get hurt.


  1. Teachers help us understand how to get along with others.


  1. Police officers only work during the day.


  1. Fire fighters can teach us about fire safety.


  1. Mechanics take care of our cars so we can’t go to places.


  1. Every job mentioned helps to make our community look bad.


  1. Cleaners play a role in keeping our environment tidy.


  1. To be prepared for other jobs, we do not need teachers.


  1. Police officers are there to support us if we get into any problem.


  1. Fire fighters only fight fires and do not rescue people.

Multiple Choice

1)     Why are doctors very important?

A)    They look after us when we are sick.

B)    They teach us how to read.

C)    They make our cars run well.

D)    They help us learn to count.


2)     What do good teachers help us with?

A)    Fighting fires.

B)    Teaching us to count and share.

C)    Fixing our cars.

D)    Catching people who break the law.


3)     When do police officers work to keep us safe?

A)    Only during the day.

B)    Only when we get hurt.

C)    Day and night.

D)    Only in schools.


4)     What is one thing that fire fighters do?

A)    Teach us how to read.

B)    Change the oil in our cars.

C)    Make sure everything is clean.

D)    Save people from fires.


5)     How do mechanics help us with our cars?

A)    They keep our schools clean.

B)    They catch people who break the law.

C)    They protect us from fires.

D)    They fix cars when they break down.


6)     Why do we thank cleaners?

A)    For making our lives healthier.

B)    For keeping our places clean.

C)    For teaching us new things.

D)    For working on cars.


7)     What do good teachers prepare us for?

A)    Life and other jobs.

B)    Fighting fires.

C)    Taking care of sick people.

D)    Catching law breakers.


8)     How do police officers help us?

A)    By checking engines.

B)    By teaching how to stay safe from fire.

C)    By helping when we are in trouble.

D)    By fixing cars.


9)     What do mechanics ensure about our cars?

A)    They are clean.

B)    They run well.

C)    They can teach us.

D)    They can keep us safe.


10)  Why is a clean place happy according to the text?

A)    Because it’s safe from fire.

B)    Because we can learn new things.

C)    Because we are taught how to read and write.

D)    Because it’s a happy place to be.



Short Answer

  1. How do doctors help us when we are hurt?


  1. What do teachers teach us besides reading and writing?


  1. When do police officers work?


  1. What do fire fighters do apart from fighting fires?


  1. Why is it important for mechanics to fix our cars?


  1. What do cleaners help our places to be?


  1. How do the jobs mentioned in the text affect our lives?


  1. What are police officers responsible for besides catching lawbreakers?


  1. What do fire fighters teach us?


  1. Who takes care of us when we are sick?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Many people work in jobs that help us every day. They make our lives ___1___ and safer. Let’s talk about some of these jobs.

Doctors are very important for our ___2___. They look after us when we are sick. If we get hurt, they help us feel ___3___. Doctors work hard to make sure we can live a ___4___ life.

Teachers help us learn ___5___ things. They teach us how to read and write. Good teachers show us how to count and ___6___. They prepare us for life and other jobs.

Police officers keep us ___7___. They work day and night. They catch people who break the law. Police officers also help us when we are in ___8___.

Fire fighters are brave. They fight fire and save people. They also teach us how to stay safe from fire. Fire fighters work as a ___9___ to protect us.

Mechanics fix our cars when they ___10___ down. They check the engines and change the oil. Mechanics keep our cars running well. This way, we can go to work and school.

Cleaners are important too. They make sure everything is clean. Our schools, hospitals, and streets look nice because of cleaners. A clean place is a happy place to be.

All these jobs are very helpful. They make our lives better every day. We thank them for their hard work.


1) A. easier    B. harder    C. faster    D. stronger   

2) A. health    B. activities    C. food    D. clothes   

3) A. better    B. worst    C. sad    D. angry   

4) A. healthy    B. sick    C. tired    D. busy   

5) A. old    B. new    C. fast    D. long   

6) A. eat    B. run    C. fight    D. share   

7) A. scared    B. safe    C. sleepy    D. excited   

8) A. trouble    B. bed    C. class    D. rain   

9) A. team    B. bus    C. house    D. solo   

10) A. break    B. run    C. fly    D. swim   

Exercise Answers

True / False Answers

  1. False

Explanation: Doctors take care of us when we are sick and also when we get hurt, not only when we get hurt.

(“They look after us when we are sick. If we get hurt, they help us feel better.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Sharing is a way of getting along with others, and teachers show us how to do this.

(“Good teachers show us how to count and share.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Police officers work both during the day and at night.

(“They work day and night.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Part of the fire fighters’ job is to teach people how to be safe from fires.

(“They also teach us how to stay safe from fire.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Mechanics fix our cars so that we are able to travel to work and school.

(“This way, we can go to work and school.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text says these jobs make our lives better, which means they help make our community look good, not bad.

(“They make our lives better every day.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Cleaners ensure places like schools, hospitals, and streets are clean, helping to keep the environment tidy.

(“They make sure everything is clean.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Teachers are needed because they prepare us for life and other jobs.

(“They prepare us for life and other jobs.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text says police officers help us when we are in trouble, meaning they support us in problems.

(“Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Fire fighters both fight fires and save people according to the text.

(“They fight fire and save people.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The text states that doctors are important for our health and look after us when we are sick, which makes only the first option correct.

(“Doctors are very important for our health. They look after us when we are sick.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text specifically mentions that good teachers show us how to count and share.

(“Good teachers show us how to count and share.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text says that police officers work day and night to keep us safe.

(“Police officers keep us safe. They work day and night.”)


  1. D

Explanation: According to the text, fire fighters fight fires and save people, which is the fourth option.

(“They fight fire and save people.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text explains that mechanics fix our cars and this matches the fourth choice.

(“Mechanics fix our cars when they break down.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Cleaners are thanked for keeping our places clean according to the text.

(“Cleaners make sure everything is clean.”)


  1. A

Explanation: The text says that good teachers prepare us for life and other jobs.

(“They prepare us for life and other jobs.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text indicates that police officers help us when we are in trouble, which is the third option.

(“Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.”)


  1. B

Explanation: The text tells us that mechanics keep our cars running well, so the second choice is correct.

(“Mechanics keep our cars running well.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text mentions a clean place being a happy place to be.

(“A clean place is a happy place to be.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. They help us feel better.

Explanation: The text says doctors help us feel better when we are hurt.

(“If we get hurt, they help us feel better.”)


  1. How to count and share.

Explanation: Teachers teach us how to count and share, besides reading and writing.

(“Good teachers show us how to count and share.”)


  1. Day and night.

Explanation: The text mentions police officers work both day and night.

(“They work day and night.”)


  1. They save people.

Explanation: Fire fighters both fight fires and save people.

(“They fight fire and save people.”)


  1. So we can go to work and school.

Explanation: Mechanics fix our cars to keep them running well, which allows us to go to work and school.

(“This way, we can go to work and school.”)


  1. Clean and happy.

Explanation: Cleaners make our schools, hospitals, and streets clean, thus making them happy places.

(“A clean place is a happy place to be.”)


  1. They make our lives easier and safer.

Explanation: The text states that these jobs make our lives easier and safer.

(“They make our lives easier and safer.”)


  1. Helping us when we are in trouble.

Explanation: Police officers help us when we are in trouble as well as catch people who break the law.

(“Police officers also help us when we are in trouble.”)


  1. How to stay safe from fire.

Explanation: Apart from fighting fires, fire fighters teach us about fire safety.

(“They also teach us how to stay safe from fire.”)


  1. Doctors.

Explanation: The text says doctors look after us when we are sick.

(“Doctors are very important for our health. They look after us when we are sick.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: ‘Easier’ is the correct word used in the text.


  1. A

Explanation: The text is talking about doctors, so ‘health’ is correct.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Feel better’ is a common expression.


  1. A

Explanation: The text mentions living a ‘healthy’ life.


  1. B

Explanation: Teachers help us learn ‘new’ things.


  1. D

Explanation: Teaching to ‘share’ is a concept related to social skills.


  1. B

Explanation: Police officers’ job is to keep us ‘safe’.


  1. A

Explanation: When we are ‘in trouble,’ police officers help us.


  1. A

Explanation: Fire fighters work ‘as a team’.


  1. A

Explanation: Cars ‘break down’ when they stop working properly.

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