World Migratory Bird Day | A1

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World Migratory Bird Day A1

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A1, A2, B1 Level of Reading Lesson - World Migratory Bird Day

This is a free A1 elementary level English reading lesson about World Bird Migratory Day. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise

World Migratory Bird Day

A1, A2, B1 Level of Reading Lesson - World Migratory Bird Day

Birds fly long ways. Twice a year. In spring and fall.

They go to warm places. When it is cold, they leave. They find food and water.

We have Bird Day. It is special. To learn and help birds.

Birds move together. Across the sky. This day is for them.

We care for birds. We protect them. On Migratory Bird Day.

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General Level: A1.6

Vocabulary: A1.0

Verb Form: A1.0

Clause: A1.2


care    VERB    A2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the work of providing treatment for or attending to someone or something
    n. a cause for feeling concern
    n. attention and management implying responsibility for safety
    n. activity involved in maintaining something in good working order


fall    NOUN    A2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the season when the leaves fall from the trees
    n. the lapse of mankind into sinfulness because of the sin of Adam and Eve
    n. a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity
    n. a sudden decline in strength or number or importance


protect    VERB    A2    1

Definition (En):

  1. shield from danger, injury, destruction, or damage
    v. use tariffs to favor domestic industry


sky    NOUN    A2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the atmosphere and outer space as viewed from the earth

Phrases and Idioms



care for (someone or something)

·  We care for birds.

go to (someone or something)

·  They go to warm places.

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True / False

  1. Birds fly a short distance every year.


  1. Birds travel only in the fall.


  1. The birds leave for hotter places when it gets cold.


  1. Bird Day is to remember and protect birds.


  1. Birds stay in one place and do not move.


  1. We do not need to look after birds at any time.


  1. Migratory Bird Day is a time to care for birds.
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Multiple Choice

1)     Why do birds fly to warm places?

a)     To meet other birds

b)     To sleep more

c)     Because it is cold

d)     To play games


2)     What do birds find in warm places that is important for them?

a)     Toys

b)     Books

c)     Food and water

d)     Shoes


3)     When is Bird Day celebrated?

a)     In summer

b)     Every month

c)     In spring and fall

d)     On one day


4)     What do we do for birds on Migratory Bird Day?

a)     We sing songs

b)     We care for them

c)     We learn to fly

d)     We buy them


5)     How do birds move when they migrate?

a)     In the ocean

b)     Together across the sky

c)     On the roads

d)     In the forest

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Short Answer Questions

  1. When do birds fly long ways?


  1. Why do birds go to warm places?


  1. What is Bird Day?


  1. How do birds move?


  1. What do we do on Migratory Bird Day?
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True / False Answers

Answer: False

Explanation: The text says birds fly long ways, not short.

Answer location: “Birds fly long ways.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text mentions birds fly twice a year, in spring and fall, not only in the fall.

Answer location: “Twice a year. In spring and fall.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says birds go to warm places when it is cold and they leave.

Answer location: “They go to warm places. When it is cold, they leave.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says Bird Day is special to learn and help birds, which means to remember and protect them.

Answer location: “We have Bird Day. It is special. To learn and help birds.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text says birds move together across the sky, meaning they don’t stay in one place.

Answer location: “Birds move together. Across the sky.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text implies that we should look after birds because it says we care for and protect them.

Answer location: “We care for birds. We protect them.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says we protect birds on Migratory Bird Day, which shows it is a time to care for birds.

Answer location: “On Migratory Bird Day.”

Multiple Choice Answers


Answer: C

Explanation: The text says birds go to warm places when it is cold, which implies that they leave to find warmer conditions.

Answer location: “They go to warm places. When it is cold, they leave.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The text specifically mentions that birds find food and water, which are essential for their survival.

Answer location: “They find food and water.”



Answer: D

Explanation: Although the text mentions spring and fall in relation to bird migration, Bird Day is referred to as a specific day that is special.

Answer location: “We have Bird Day. It is special.”



Answer: B

Explanation: The text explains that we care for and protect birds on Migratory Bird Day.

Answer location: “We care for birds. We protect them. On Migratory Bird Day.”



Answer: B

Explanation: The text says that birds move together across the sky, which indicates that they fly in groups during migration.

Answer location: “Birds move together. Across the sky.”

Short Answer Answers


Answer: In spring and fall.

Explanation: The text states that birds fly long ways twice a year, which happens in spring and fall.

Answer location: “Twice a year. In spring and fall.”



Answer: When it is cold, they leave.

Explanation: The text explains that birds leave for warm places when it is cold.

Answer location: “They go to warm places. When it is cold, they leave.”



Answer: It is special. to learn and help birds.

Explanation: Bird Day is mentioned as a special day to learn about and help birds.

Answer location: “We have Bird Day. It is special. To learn and help birds.”



Answer: Together.

Explanation: The text describes that birds move together across the sky.

Answer location: “Birds move together. Across the sky.”



Answer: We protect them.

Explanation: The text says that on Migratory Bird Day, we protect birds.

Answer location: “We care for birds. We protect them. On Migratory Bird Day.”

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