CEFR Checker

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What is Cathoven CEFR Checker?

You are a language teacher. You want to find a reading text for your students. It should neither be too easy nor too difficult for them – just at the right level. With your experience, you can have a good guess of its CEFR level. Let’s admit it, though, our guess is not always accurate.

If you are looking for pinpoint results, Cathoven AI has created a CEFR Checker just for that. You can use it for free inside Cathoven Language Hub.

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What is CEFR?

What is CEFR?

CEFR stands for Common European Framework of Reference. It is the most trusted language ability measurement system in the world. It ranks students as beginner, intermediate and advanced. CEFR is also used to rank the difficulty of teaching materials like reading and listening.

Organisations like Cambridge, Oxford, British Council, etc. rely on CEFR to structure their teaching content.

The levels are ranked from A1 to C2, with A1 being the lowest and C2 the highest. A1 and A2 are beginner levels; B1 and B2 are intermediate, and C1 and C2 are advanced.

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CEFR Levels in Cathoven

One of the major criticisms about CEFR is that each level has a huge range. Two students could be assigned B1 level when there could be a big gap between their English levels. It’s the same for reading materials.

Cathoven split each CEFR level into 10 more levels to solve this problem. CEFR Checker may assign A2.6 to a piece of text, for example, instead of only A2.

Discover how Cathoven develops its CEFR descriptors to address key limitations of the six-level CEFR scale.

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CEFR Levels in Cathoven

How to Use CEFR Checker ?

When you enter Cathoven Language Hub, you will see a couple of features. Click on CEFR Analyser. Paste your text and click on Analyse button to get the result. You will see “Advanced settings” under the analyse button.

Click on CEFR Analyser tab and click on Analyse buttoon after pasting materials

You would get analysis about the material soon with detailed CEFR analysis

You would find the levels under different exam systems

Click Vocabulary Tab for CEFR Levels per Word.

Click Phrases and idioms Tab for CEFR Levels per Phrase

Click Verb Forms to check full CEFR report on every verb form

That’s not all! Cathoven AI analyses sentence structures as well. You can be on top of every structure in your text.

Download the parts you need and use them in your class!

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How Does CEFR Checker work ?

CEFR Checker is a smart analyser. Making use of multiple machine learning models developed with state-of-the-art techniques, it analyses the sentence structure, tenses, and vocabulary in a given piece of text and estimates its CEFR level.

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How does Cathoven CEFR Checker work?
DALL·E 2024-07-16 11.37.23 - A diverse research team in a modern, well-lit office space. The team is collaborating around a large table, surrounded by advanced computer screens di

Word CEFR Estimator Model

Our research team put together the largest CEFR words database in the world, combining all the available data from world-renowned institutions.

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