Global Warming B1

A2, B1 Level English Reading Lesson About Global Warming
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  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions

Global Warming

A2, B1 Level English Reading Lesson About Global Warming

Global warming is affecting the entire world. The temperatures are rising, which causes the ice in polar regions to melt. As a result, sea levels are increasing, and low-lying areas are in danger. Scientists have been studying these changes for many years. They are researching how we can protect our planet. Green forests are one of the Earth’s greatest assets because they provide clean air to breathe. Without these trees, our living conditions would worsen. The forest plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide.

However, many forests are being cut down at an alarming rate. This deforestation threatens many animals that use trees as shelter. It also affects humans, as we rely on these forests for clean air and water. To ensure a healthy future, more efforts need to be made to stop deforestation. Governments around the world should take steps to protect these natural resources. Many organizations are working to plant more trees.

Climate change also affects the weather patterns. Some areas are experiencing more intense rain, while others face longer droughts. These changes make it difficult for people to grow food and find water. Our seasons are becoming unpredictable, which impacts human life and agriculture. Action should be taken by everyone to reduce carbon emissions. We should also be focusing on finding renewable energy sources.

In summary, global warming is a significant challenge. Many changes have already been observed, and more are expected in the future. By working together, we can take steps to lessen the impact. Individuals and governments should work to ensure a greener, healthier planet. Even small actions, like recycling and using public transport, can contribute to protecting our world.

General Level: B1.3

Vocabulary: B1.2

Verb Form: B1.2

Clause: B1.0


absorb    VERB    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. become imbued
    v. take up mentally
    v. take up, as of debts or payments
    v. take in, also metaphorically


agriculture    NOUN    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the class of people engaged in growing food


carbon    NOUN    B2    2

Definition (En):

  1. an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds
    n. a copy made with carbon paper


drought    NOUN    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. a shortage of rainfall
    n. a prolonged shortage


ensure    VERB    B2    2

Definition (En):

v make certain of
v be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something


lessen    VERB    C1    1

Definition (En):

v decrease in size, extent, or range
v make smaller
v wear off or die down


melt    VERB    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. reduce or cause to be reduced from a solid to a liquid state, usually by heating
    v. lose its distinct outline or shape; blend gradually
    v. become less intense and fade away gradually


polar    ADJ    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. having a pair of equal and opposite charges
    a. located at or near or coming from the earth’s poles
    a. of or existing at or near a geographical pole or within the Arctic or Antarctic Circles


threaten    VERB    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. to utter intentions of injury or punishment against:”He threatened me when I tried to call the police”
    v. to be a menacing indication of something:”The clouds threaten rain”


unpredictable    ADJ    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. not capable of being foretold
    s. unknown in advance

Phrases and Idioms



take steps to

·  Governments around the world should take steps to protect these natural resources.

·  By working together, we can take steps to lessen the impact.

as a result

·  As a result, sea levels are increasing, and low-lying areas are in danger.

carbon dioxide

·  The forest plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide.

contribute to (something)

·  Even small actions, like recycling and using public transport, can contribute to protecting our world.

cut down

·  However, many forests are being cut down at an alarming rate.

focus on (someone or something)

·  We should also be focusing on finding renewable energy sources.

make it (something)

·  These changes make it difficult for people to grow food and find water.

natural resources

·  Governments around the world should take steps to protect these natural resources.

public transport

·  Even small actions, like recycling and using public transport, can contribute to protecting our world.

use (someone or something) as (something)

·  This deforestation threatens many animals that use trees as shelter.

work together

·  By working together, we can take steps to lessen the impact.

True / False / Not Given

  1. Global warming is causing significant changes in ocean currents.


  1. The rise in temperatures has led to the melting of ice in the polar regions.


  1. Scientists believe that nuclear power is the best solution to combat global warming.


  1. Low-lying areas are at an increased risk due to rising sea levels.


  1. Deforestation does not impact the availability of clean air and water.


  1. Governments around the world are not involved in protecting forests.


  1. The text describes specific renewable energy sources that should be used.


  1. More intense rain and longer droughts are outcomes of climate change.


  1. Recycling and using public transport are examples of small actions that can help combat global warming.


  1. Scientists are optimistic about reversing climate change quickly.

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Short Answer Questions

  1. What are the consequences of rising temperatures on polar regions?


  1. How does deforestation affect animals?


  1. Why are green forests crucial for the Earth?


  1. What is the role of forests in combating carbon dioxide levels?


  1. How does climate change impact the ability to grow food and find water?


  1. Why should governments take steps to protect forests?


  1. What actions can individuals take to contribute to protecting the planet?


  1. What are the impacts of unpredictable seasons?


  1. Why should more efforts be made to stop deforestation?


  1. What steps can be taken to lessen the impact of global warming?

True / False / Not Given Answers


Answer: Not Given

Explanation: The text does not provide any information about changes in ocean currents due to global warming.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: This statement is true because the text directly states that rising temperatures cause polar ice to melt.

Answer location: “The temperatures are rising, which causes the ice in polar regions to melt.”



Answer: Not Given

Explanation: The text does not discuss nuclear power as a solution to global warming.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: This statement is true because the text mentions that rising sea levels endanger low-lying areas.

Answer location: “As a result, sea levels are increasing, and low-lying areas are in danger.”



Answer: False

Explanation: This statement is false as the text indicates that deforestation affects the availability of clean air and water for humans.

Answer location: “It also affects humans, as we rely on these forests for clean air and water.”



Answer: False

Explanation: This statement is false because the text suggests that governments should take steps to protect forests.

Answer location: “Governments around the world should take steps to protect these natural resources.”



Answer: Not Given

Explanation: The text mentions finding renewable energy sources but does not specify which ones.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: This statement is true as it aligns with the text describing more intense rain and longer droughts as outcomes of climate change.

Answer location: “Some areas are experiencing more intense rain, while others face longer droughts.”



Answer: True

Explanation: This statement is true because the text mentions recycling and using public transport as small actions that contribute to protecting the environment.

Answer location: “Even small actions, like recycling and using public transport, can contribute to protecting our world.”



Answer: False

Explanation: This statement is false as the text indicates that further changes are expected in the future, implying that climate change is not expected to be reversed quickly.

Answer location: “Many changes have already been observed, and more are expected in the future.”


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Short Answer Answers


Answer: The ice in polar regions melts.

Explanation: Rising temperatures result in the melting of ice in polar regions.

Answer location: “The temperatures are rising, which causes the ice in polar regions to melt.”



Answer: It threatens many animals that use trees as shelter.

Explanation: Deforestation affects animals by removing their shelter.

Answer location: “This deforestation threatens many animals that use trees as shelter.”



Answer: They provide clean air to breathe.

Explanation: Green forests help maintain air quality by providing clean air.

Answer location: “Green forests are one of the Earth’s greatest assets because they provide clean air to breathe.”



Answer: The forest plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide.

Explanation: Forests help to lower carbon dioxide levels by absorbing it.

Answer location: “The forest plays a crucial role in absorbing carbon dioxide.”



Answer: Weather patterns changes make it difficult for people to grow food and find water.

Explanation: Altered weather patterns from climate change hinder agriculture and water resources.

Answer location: “These changes make it difficult for people to grow food and find water.”



Answer: To ensure a healthy future and stop deforestation.

Explanation: Government action is necessary to preserve forests for future health and to prevent deforestation.

Answer location: “To ensure a healthy future, more efforts need to be made to stop deforestation.”



Answer: Recycling and using public transport.

Explanation: Individual actions such as recycling and using public transportation can help protect the environment.

Answer location: “Even small actions, like recycling and using public transport, can contribute to protecting our world.”



Answer: It impacts human life and agriculture.

Explanation: Unpredictable seasons cause difficulties for human life and agricultural practices.

Answer location: “Our seasons are becoming unpredictable, which impacts human life and agriculture.”



Answer: It affects humans and animals.

Explanation: Stopping deforestation is vital as it affects both humans and animals.

Answer location: “It also affects humans, as we rely on these forests for clean air and water. This deforestation threatens many animals that use trees as shelter.”



Answer: By working together, we can take steps to lessen the impact.

Explanation: Collective action is essential to reduce the impact of global warming.

Answer location: “By working together, we can take steps to lessen the impact.”

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