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Tom’s Sweet Surprise on Mother’s Day B1

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B1 Level - Reading Lesson - Tom's Sweet Surprise on Mother's Day

This is a free B1 intermediate level English reading lesson about Mother’s Day. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise

Tom’s Sweet Surprise on Mother’s Day

B1 Level - Reading Lesson - Tom's Sweet Surprise on Mother's Day

Tom woke up early on Mother’s Day, full of excitement. His plan was to make his mom feel very special. He tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound. In his hand, he held a small recipe book, its pages worn from use. He decided to prepare breakfast, his mom’s favorite meal to start the day.

Tom looked at the recipe for pancakes, her favorite. He mixed the flour, eggs, and milk together. He even added a handful of blueberries, just how she liked. He heated the pan and poured the mix, forming round, fluffy pancakes. The smell soon filled the house, warm and sweet.

As the pancakes cooked, Tom set the table. He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle. He laid out the plates, forks, and knives neatly. Next to his mom’s plate, he put a small, handmade card. It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.’

Soon, his mom came downstairs, guided by the smell. ‘What is this?’ she asked with a smile. Tom beamed with pride and said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!’ She hugged him tightly and sat down to eat. They talked and laughed, enjoying the simple but loving meal. It was a small surprise, but to his mom, it was worth more than the world.

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General Level: B1.1

Vocabulary: B1.1

Verb Form: A1.0

Clause: B1.0

beam    VERB    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
    n. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
    n. a column of light (as from a beacon)
    n. (nautical) breadth amidships


blueberry    NOUN    C2    1

Definition (En):

  1. any of numerous shrubs of the genus Vaccinium bearing blueberries
    n. sweet edible dark-blue berries of either low-growing or high-growing blueberry plants


fluffy    ADJ    C2    1

Definition (En):

s like down or as soft as down


handful    NOUN    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. a small number or amount
    n. the quantity that can be held in the hand


handmade    ADJ    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. made by hand or a hand process


loving    ADJ    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. feeling or showing love and affection


neatly    ADV    C1    1

Definition (En):

  1. with neatness


pride    NOUN    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. a feeling of self-respect and personal worth
    n. satisfaction with your (or another’s) achievements
    n. the trait of being spurred on by a dislike of falling below your standards
    n. a group of lions


tightly    ADV    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. in a tight or constricted manner
    r. securely fixed or fastened


tiptoe    VERB    B2    1

Definition (En):

  1. the tip of a toe
    v. walk on one’s toes
    s. walking on the tips of ones’s toes so as to make no noise
    r. on tiptoe or as if on tiptoe




beam with pride

·  Tom beamed with pride and said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!’

careful not to

·  He tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound.

early on

·  Tom woke up early on Mother’s Day, full of excitement.

in one’s hands

·  In his hand, he held a small recipe book, its pages worn from use.

in the middle

·  He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle.

laid out

·  He laid out the plates, forks, and knives neatly.

look at (someone or something)

·  Tom looked at the recipe for pancakes, her favorite.

love you

·  It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.’

next to

·  Next to his mom’s plate, he put a small, handmade card.

set the table

·  As the pancakes cooked, Tom set the table.

sit down to

·  She hugged him tightly and sat down to eat.

thank you

·  It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.’

wake up

·  Tom woke up early on Mother’s Day, full of excitement.

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  1. Tom got up late on Mother’s Day.


  1. Tom’s goal was to make his mother feel not important.


  1. Tom was careful to keep quiet as he moved to the kitchen.


  1. The recipe book Tom used was new.


  1. Tom only made pancakes because he had nothing else to cook.


  1. Tom included blueberries in the pancakes because his mom enjoys them.


  1. The pancakes did not smell good when they were cooking.


  1. There were many flowers in the vase on the table.


  1. Tom made a large, store-bought card for his mom.


  1. Tom’s mom thought the breakfast he made was as valuable as the entire world.
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What was Tom’s main reason for waking up early on Mother’s Day?

a) To make his mom feel very special

b) To play outside

c) To watch television

d) To do his homework


2)     How did Tom ensure that he would not disturb his mom in the morning?

a) By yelling loudly

b) By leaving the house

c) By tiptoeing to the kitchen

d) By playing music


3)     What special addition did Tom make to the pancakes?

a) Raisins

b) A handful of blueberries

c) Chocolate chips

d) Strawberries


4)     What personal touch did Tom add to the breakfast table to make it more special?

a) A bright red flower

b) A loud alarm clock

c) A bright yellow flower

d) A television remote


5)     What did Tom’s mom find next to her plate?

a) A storybook

b) A toy

c) A computer

d) A small, handmade card


6)     What did the small, handmade card from Tom express?

a) A funny joke

b) A birthday greeting

c) A message of love and gratitude

d) An invitation


7)     How did Tom’s mother know it was time to come downstairs?

a) Tom called her on the phone

b) She heard a bell

c) She smelled the pancakes

d) She set an alarm


8)     What was Tom’s reaction when his mom saw the surprise?

a) He ran away

b) He was sad

c) He was confused

d) He beamed with pride

9)     What did Tom and his mom do while eating the breakfast he prepared?

a) They were silent

b) They talked and laughed

c) They danced around

d) They watched TV


10)  How much did Tom’s small surprise mean to his mom?

a) Not much

b) Less than a regular day

c) Only a little

d) More than the world

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  1. What was Tom’s reason for waking up early?


  1. What did Tom use to decide what to cook?


  1. What did Tom add to the pancakes to make them special?


  1. Why did Tom put a vase with a flower on the table?


  1. What message did the handmade card next to his mom’s plate say?


  1. Why did Tom’s mom come downstairs?


  1. How did Tom’s mom react when she saw the breakfast?


  1. What did Tom say to his mom on seeing her?


  1. What did Tom and his mom do while eating the breakfast?


  1. How much did Tom’s mom value the surprise?
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Tom woke up early on Mother’s Day, full of ___1___. His plan was to make his mom feel very ___2___. He tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to make a ___3___. In his hand, he held a small recipe book, its pages worn from ___4___. He decided to prepare breakfast, his mom’s favorite ___5___ to start the day.

Tom looked at the recipe for pancakes, her favorite. He mixed the flour, ___6___, and milk together. He even added a handful of blueberries, just how she liked. He ___7___ the pan and poured the mix, forming round, fluffy pancakes. The smell soon filled the house, warm and ___8___.

As the pancakes cooked, Tom set the table. He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the ___9___. He laid out the plates, forks, and knives neatly. Next to his mom’s plate, he put a small, handmade card. It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.’

Soon, his mom came downstairs, guided by the smell. ‘What is this?’ she asked with a smile. Tom beamed with pride and said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!’ She hugged him tightly and sat down to eat. They talked and laughed, enjoying the simple but ___10___ meal. It was a small surprise, but to his mom, it was worth more than the world.

  1. A. excitement B. sleepiness C. anger    D. boredom   


  1. A. sad B. special C. ordinary    D. angry   


  1. A. sight B. noise C. light    D. mess   


  1. A. delay B. care C. use    D. storage   


  1. A. evening B. meal C. snack    D. night   


  1. A. water B. sugar C. oil    D. eggs   


  1. A. cleaned B. bought C. painted    D. heated   


  1. A. sour B. spicy C. sweet    D. salty   


  1. A. middle B. side C. corner    D. edge   


  1. A. loving B. expensive C. complex    D. silent   
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Answer: False

Explanation: The text clearly states that Tom woke up early, not late.

Answer location: “Tom woke up early on Mother’s Day, full of excitement.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text says Tom planned to make his mom feel very special, which is the opposite of ‘not important’.

Answer location: “His plan was to make his mom feel very special.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text states that Tom tiptoed and was careful not to make a sound, meaning he was indeed quiet.

Answer location: “He tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text describes the book’s pages as ‘worn from use,’ which means the book was not new.

Answer location: “In his hand, he held a small recipe book, its pages worn from use.”



Answer: Not given

Explanation: The text does not provide information about why Tom chose to make pancakes aside from them being his mom’s favorite.

Answer location: “N/A”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says Tom added blueberries ‘just how she liked,’ which means his mom enjoys them.

Answer location: “He even added a handful of blueberries, just how she liked.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text indicates that the pancakes had a ‘warm and sweet’ smell, implying they did smell good.

Answer location: “The smell soon filled the house, warm and sweet.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The text specifies that there was one bright yellow flower in the vase, not many.

Answer location: “He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle.”



Answer: False

Explanation: The card was described as ‘small, handmade,’ not large or store-bought.

Answer location: “Next to his mom’s plate, he put a small, handmade card.”



Answer: True

Explanation: The text says the surprise was worth more than the world to his mom, indicating its high value to her.

Answer location: “It was a small surprise, but to his mom, it was worth more than the world.”


Answer: A

Explanation: Tom woke up early with a plan to make his mom feel very special, indicating his main motivation for waking up early.

Answer location: “His plan was to make his mom feel very special.”



Answer: C

Explanation: Tom tiptoed to the kitchen to be careful not to make a sound, which shows he wanted to avoid disturbing his mom.

Answer location: “He tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to make a sound.”



Answer: B

Explanation: Tom added a handful of blueberries to the pancakes because that is how his mom liked them.

Answer location: “He even added a handful of blueberries, just how she liked.”



Answer: C

Explanation: Tom added a personal touch by placing a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle of the table.

Answer location: “He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle.”



Answer: D

Explanation: Next to his mom’s plate, Tom put a small, handmade card, not any other item.

Answer location: “Next to his mom’s plate, he put a small, handmade card.”



Answer: C

Explanation: The small, handmade card expressed a message of love and gratitude as it read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.’

Answer location: “It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.'”



Answer: C

Explanation: Tom’s mother knew it was time to come downstairs because she was guided by the smell of the pancakes.

Answer location: “Soon, his mom came downstairs, guided by the smell.”



Answer: D

Explanation: Tom beamed with pride when his mom saw the surprise, indicating his reaction.

Answer location: “Tom beamed with pride and said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!'”



Answer: B

Explanation: While eating breakfast, Tom and his mom talked and laughed, which shows how they spent their time during the meal.

Answer location: “They talked and laughed, enjoying the simple but loving meal.”



Answer: D

Explanation: The phrase ‘it was worth more than the world’ indicates the immense value of Tom’s surprise to his mom.

Answer location: “It was a small surprise, but to his mom, it was worth more than the world.”


Answer: To make his mom feel very special.

Explanation: The text implies that Tom woke up early with a specific plan, which was to make his mom feel special on Mother’s Day.

Answer location: “His plan was to make his mom feel very special.”



Answer: A small recipe book.

Explanation: The text mentions Tom holding a worn recipe book, suggesting he used it to decide what to cook.

Answer location: “In his hand, he held a small recipe book, its pages worn from use.”



Answer: A handful of blueberries.

Explanation: The text mentions Tom adding blueberries to the pancakes, indicating it was something his mom liked and made the pancakes special for her.

Answer location: “He even added a handful of blueberries, just how she liked.”



Answer: To set the table for mother’s day.

Explanation: The text describes Tom setting the table and including a vase with a flower as part of the preparation for the Mother’s Day celebration.

Answer location: “He placed a vase with one bright yellow flower in the middle.”



Answer: ‘thank you for everything, i love you.’

Explanation: The text directly states the message Tom wrote on the card he placed next to his mom’s plate.

Answer location: “It read, ‘Thank you for everything, I love you.'”



Answer: Guided by the smell.

Explanation: The text suggests that the smell of pancakes led Tom’s mom to come downstairs.

Answer location: “Soon, his mom came downstairs, guided by the smell.”



Answer: She asked with a smile.

Explanation: The text describes Tom’s mom smiling and asking about the breakfast, showing a positive reaction.

Answer location: “‘What is this?’ she asked with a smile.”



Answer: ‘happy mother’s day, mom!’

Explanation: The text shows Tom’s greeting to his mom, which demonstrates the occasion and his happiness.

Answer location: “Tom beamed with pride and said, ‘Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!'”



Answer: They talked and laughed.

Explanation: The text describes them talking and laughing, which indicates they are enjoying their time together during the meal.

Answer location: “They talked and laughed, enjoying the simple but loving meal.”



Answer: More than the world.

Explanation: The text states that the simple surprise was immensely valuable to his mom, emphasizing her emotional appreciation.

Answer location: “It was a small surprise, but to his mom, it was worth more than the world.”

  1. A

Explanation: Tom woke up early ‘full of excitement’ for Mother’s Day.


  1. B

Explanation: The word ‘special’ shows Tom’s plan for his mom.


  1. B

Explanation: Careful ‘not to make a noise’ emphasizes silence.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Pages worn from use’ suggests the book was used often.


  1. B

Explanation: Breakfast is described as the ‘favorite meal’ to start the day.


  1. D

Explanation: Eggs are commonly used to make pancakes.


  1. D

Explanation: One must ‘heat’ the pan to cook pancakes.


  1. C

Explanation: Pancakes typically have a ‘sweet’ smell.


  1. A

Explanation: The flower is ‘in the middle’ of the table as a centerpiece.


  1. A

Explanation: The meal is described as ‘simple but loving,’ indicating the atmosphere.

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