Change a Life: Adopt an Animal | A2

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Change a Life: Adopt an Animal A2

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  7. Change a Life: Adopt an Animal | A2

This is a free A2 pre-intermediate level English reading lesson about animals. It includes the reading and reading comprehension exercises in 4 different formats together with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze exercise
Free reading lesson on animals, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels

Change a Life: Adopt an Animal

Free reading lesson on animals, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels

Table of Contents

Change a Life: Adopt an Animal

Tom was a young boy who loved animals. One day, he went to an animal shelter. Many animals were there. Some were big and some were small. All of them needed homes.

Tom walked past dogs and cats. He saw birds and rabbits too. One dog had soft fur. He wagged his tail happily. A small cat meowed and touched Tom’s hand with her paw. In a big cage, a bird flapped its wings.

He wanted to help them all. Bringing one home would change its life. Tom looked at each animal. Who should he choose? The dog barked loud. The cat looked up with big eyes. The bird sang a sweet song. Tom could only take one home.

At last, Tom knew. He picked the small cat. Her fur was gray and white. Her paws very gentle. She had no tail but she was beautiful. ‘I will name you Lucky,’ Tom said.

The shelter lady smiled. ‘Good choice,’ she said. ‘Lucky is special.’ Tom held Lucky close. She purred and felt warm. Tom felt happy and excited. He had a new friend. He would take good care of her. Together, they went home. Lucky’s life was changed. So was Tom’s.

CEFR Level Card

General Level: A2.5

Vocabulary: A2.7

Verb Forms: A1.8

Sentences: A1.3


bark    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. tough protective covering of the woody stems and roots of trees and other woody plants
    n. a noise resembling the bark of a dog
    n. a sailing ship with 3 (or more) masts
    n. the sound made by a dog


cage    NOUN    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept
    n. something that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement
    n. United States composer of avant-garde music (1912-1992)
    n. the net that is the goal in ice hockey


close    ADV    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut
    v. become closed
    v. finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)
    v. complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement


flap    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. any broad thin and limber covering attached at one edge; hangs loose or projects freely
    n. the motion made by flapping up and down
    n. a movable piece of tissue partly connected to the body
    n. a movable airfoil that is part of an aircraft wing; used to increase lift or drag


fur    NOUN    B1    x2

Definition (En):

  1. the dressed hairy coat of a mammal
    n. dense coat of fine silky hairs on mammals (e.g., cat or seal or weasel)
    n. a garment made of the dressed hairy coat of a mammal


gentle    ADJ    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. stroke soothingly
    s. soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe
    s. having or showing a kindly or tender nature
    s. quiet and soothing


meow    VERB    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. the sound made by a cat (or any sound resembling this)
    v. cry like a cat


paw    NOUN    B2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped
    v. scrape with the paws
    v. touch clumsily


purr    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a low vibrating sound typical of a contented cat
    v. indicate pleasure by purring; characteristic of cats


shelter    NOUN    B2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger
    n. protective covering that provides protection from the weather
    n. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons
    v. provide shelter for


tail    NOUN    B1    x2

Definition (En):

  1. the posterior part of the body of a vertebrate especially when elongated and extending beyond the trunk or main part of the body
    n. any projection that resembles the tail of an animal
    n. a spy employed to follow someone and report their movements
    n. (usually plural) the reverse side of a coin that does not bear the representation of a person’s head


wag    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a witty amusing person who makes jokes
    n. causing to move repeatedly from side to side
    v. move from side to side


wing    NOUN    B1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a movable organ for flying (one of a pair)
    n. one of the horizontal airfoils on either side of the fuselage of an airplane
    n. a stage area out of sight of the audience
    n. a unit of military aircraft





at last


  • At last, Tom knew.

care of (someone)


  • He would take good care of her.

Reading Comprehension Exercises

True / False

  1. Tom visited an animal shelter to look at the animals.


  1. There were only dogs and cats at the shelter.


  1. The dog with soft fur was very sad.


  1. Tom planned to adopt all the animals.


  1. The cat that Tom picked had a long tail.


  1. Tom decided to call the cat he chose ‘Lucky’.


  1. The bird tried to stay quiet when Tom was looking at it.


  1. The lady at the shelter was unhappy with Tom’s choice.


  1. Lucky did not enjoy being held by Tom.


  1. When Tom took Lucky home, both of their lives stayed the same.

Multiple Choice

1)     Why did Tom choose the small cat?

A)    Because it had soft fur

B)    Because it had no tail

C)    Because it sang a sweet song

D)    Because it touched his hand


2)     What did Tom want to do at the animal shelter?

A)    Take all the animals home

B)    Listen to the birds

C)    Play with the dogs

D)    Name all the animals


3)     What made Tom happy at the end of the story?

A)    Finding many animals

B)    Choosing a bird

C)    Having a new friend

D)    Hearing the dog bark


4)     Why is the small cat named ‘Lucky’?

A)    Because it was the biggest

B)    Because it was loud

C)    Because Tom called her that

D)    Because it had soft fur


5)     How did Tom feel when he was holding Lucky?

A)    Sad

B)    Scared

C)    Angry

D)    Happy


6)     What was special about the small cat?

A)    It was the biggest animal

B)    It could sing

C)    It had no tail

D)    It barked loudly


7)     Why did Tom go to the animal shelter?

A)    To buy a house

B)    To find a pet

C)    To meet the shelter lady

D)    To work there


8)     What did the dog do when Tom walked past?

A)    It meowed

B)    It flapped its wings

C)    It wagged its tail

D)    It read a book


9)     How did the bird in the cage react?

A)    It barked

B)    It purred

C)    It stayed still

D)    It flapped its wings


10)  What change happened to Tom after he took the cat home?

A)    He became a shelter lady

B)    He learned to bark

C)    His life changed

D)    He found many animals

Short Answer

  1. Why did Tom pick the small cat?


  1. What did Tom decide to name the cat and why?


  1. How did Lucky feel when Tom held her?


  1. What change happened to Lucky after going home with Tom?


  1. What did Tom feel when he chose to take the cat home?


  1. Who wagged their tail at the shelter?


  1. What did Tom want to do for all the animals at the shelter?


  1. What did the shelter lady say to Tom?


  1. Why could Tom only take one animal home?


  1. What did the bird do when Tom walked past?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Tom was a young boy who loved animals. One day, he went to an animal shelter. Many animals were there. ___1___ were big and some were small. All of them needed homes.

Tom walked past dogs and cats. He saw birds and ___2___ too. One dog had soft fur. He wagged his ___3___ happily. A small cat meowed and touched Tom’s hand with her paw. In a big cage, a bird flapped its ___4___.

He wanted to help them all. Bringing one home would change its ___5___. Tom looked at each animal. Who should he choose? The dog ___6___ loud. The cat looked up with big eyes. The bird sang a ___7___ song. Tom could only take one home.

At last, Tom knew. He ___8___ the small cat. Her fur was gray and white. Her paws very gentle. She had no tail but she was beautiful. ‘I will ___9___ you Lucky,’ Tom said.


The shelter lady smiled. ‘Good choice,’ she said. ‘Lucky is special.’ Tom held Lucky close. She purred and felt warm. Tom felt ___10___ and excited. He had a new friend. He would take good care of her. Together, they went home. Lucky’s life was changed. So was Tom’s.


1) A. Some    B. Few    C. Numerous    D. Any   

2) A. rabbits    B. elephants    C. mice    D. lions   

3) A. leg    B. tail    C. nose    D. ear   

4) A. legs    B. beak    C. wings    D. eyes   

5) A. live    B. sleep    C. life    D. food   

6) A. ran    B. barked    C. jumped    D. slept   

7) A. loud    B. funny    C. sweet    D. sad   

8) A. picked    B. saw    C. fed    D. drew   

9) A. name    B. call    C. tell    D. speak   

10) A. scared    B. tired    C. happy    D. cold   

Exercise Answers

True / False Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text says that Tom went to an animal shelter, which means he visited it to see the animals.

(“One day, he went to an animal shelter.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text mentions that besides dogs and cats, there were also birds and rabbits.

(“He saw birds and rabbits too.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The dog wagged his tail happily, which means he was not sad.

(“One dog had soft fur. He wagged his tail happily.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Tom wanted to help all the animals but the text says he could only take one home.

(“Tom could only take one home.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text specifically says that the cat Tom chose had no tail.

(“Her fur was gray and white. She had no tail but she was beautiful.”)


  1. True

Explanation: Tom names the small cat ‘Lucky’, according to the text.

(“‘I will name you Lucky,’ Tom said.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text says the bird sang a song, which means it wasn’t quiet.

(“The bird sang a sweet song.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The shelter lady smiled and said ‘Good choice’, this indicates that she was happy with Tom’s choice.

(“The shelter lady smiled. ‘Good choice,’ she said.”)


  1. False

Explanation: Lucky purred when Tom held her, which shows she enjoyed it.

(“Tom held Lucky close. She purred and felt warm.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text states that both their lives were changed, which means they didn’t stay the same.

(“Lucky’s life was changed. So was Tom’s.”)

Multiple Choice Answers

  1. D

Explanation: Tom felt a connection when the small cat touched his hand, indicating it played a role in his choice.

(“A small cat meowed and touched Tom’s hand with her paw.”)


  1. A

Explanation: The text shows Tom’s desire to help by wanting to bring an animal home to change its life.

(“He wanted to help them all. Bringing one home would change its life.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text directly states that having a new friend, Lucky, made Tom feel happy and excited.

(“Tom felt happy and excited. He had a new friend.”)


  1. C

Explanation: Tom is the one who decided to name the small cat ‘Lucky’.

(“‘I will name you Lucky,’ Tom said.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text states Tom felt happy and excited when he held Lucky close.

(“Tom held Lucky close. She purred and felt warm. Tom felt happy and excited.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The small cat’s lack of a tail is mentioned as a distinctive feature.

(“She had no tail but she was beautiful.”)


  1. B

Explanation: Tom’s intent to bring an animal home indicates he went there to find a pet.

(“Bringing one home would change its life.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text describes the dog wagging its tail when Tom walked past.

(“One dog had soft fur. He wagged his tail happily.”)


  1. D

Explanation: The text states that the bird flapped its wings while in the cage.

(“In a big cage, a bird flapped its wings.”)


  1. C

Explanation: The text explicitly states that both Lucky’s life and Tom’s life were changed.

(“Lucky’s life was changed. So was Tom’s.”)

Short Answer Answers

  1. Because she was beautiful and gentle and had no tail.

Explanation: The text describes that Tom chose the small cat because of her specific characteristics: her beautiful appearance, gentle paws, and lack of a tail.

(“Her fur was gray and white. Her paws very gentle. She had no tail but she was beautiful.”)


  1. Lucky, because she was special.

Explanation: Tom named the cat Lucky because the shelter lady said she was special, indicating that her name reflects her unique quality.

(“‘I will name you Lucky,’ Tom said. ‘Good choice,’ she said. ‘Lucky is special.'”)


  1. She felt warm and purred.

Explanation: The text states that Lucky purred and felt warm when Tom held her, showing that she was comfortable and content.

(“Tom held Lucky close. She purred and felt warm.”)


  1. Her life was changed.

Explanation: The text implies that going home with Tom was the moment her life changed, signifying a new beginning for Lucky.

(“Together, they went home. Lucky’s life was changed.”)


  1. He felt happy and excited.

Explanation: Tom’s feelings are directly stated in the text, indicating his emotions about taking Lucky home.

(“Tom felt happy and excited.”)


  1. One dog.

Explanation: The text specifically mentions that one dog wagged his tail happily, indicating that the dog was the one performing the action.

(“One dog had soft fur. He wagged his tail happily.”)


  1. Help them.

Explanation: The text states Tom’s desire to help all the animals at the shelter, highlighting his wish to make a difference.

(“He wanted to help them all.”)


  1. Good choice.

Explanation: The shelter lady’s response to Tom’s choice of taking Lucky home is explicitly stated in the text.

(“The shelter lady smiled. ‘Good choice,’ she said.”)


  1. The text does not say why.

Explanation: The text provides the information that Tom could only take one animal home, but does not explain the reason behind this limitation.

(“Tom could only take one home.”)


  1. The bird flapped its wings.

Explanation: As Tom was walking by, the text describes that a bird in a big cage flapped its wings, indicating the bird’s action at that moment.

(“In a big cage, a bird flapped its wings.”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. A

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘Some’ because it indicates an unspecified amount or number, fitting the context.


  1. A

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘rabbits’ as the text refers to animals which would typically be found in an animal shelter.


  1. B

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘tail’ as it describes the part of the dog expressing happiness.


  1. C

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘wings’ as it describes what a bird flaps.


  1. C

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘life’ because bringing an animal home is life-changing for both the pet and the owner.


  1. B

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘barked’ as it is the action commonly associated with dogs.


  1. C

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘sweet’ because it describes the pleasant sound the bird made.


  1. A

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘picked’ as it indicates the action of choosing something.


  1. B

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘call’ because it refers to what you name someone or something.


  1. C

Explanation: The correct answer is ‘happy’ as it aligns with the emotion Tom would feel after adopting a new friend.

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