Shopping to Feel Good B1

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Free reading lesson on shopping and clothes, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels
This is a free B1 intermediate level English listening lesson about shopping, generated using Cathoven AI tools. It includes listening exercises in various formats, along with the answer keys and explanations.

  1. True/False questions
  2. Multiple choice questions
  3. Short answer questions
  4. Multiple choice cloze questions

Shopping to Feel Good

Free reading lesson on shopping and clothes, including comprehension exercises and answer keys with explanations for A1, A2, B1 levels

Anna and Emma were walking down the busy street, feeling a bit down. They thought that shopping might cheer them up. As they entered a bright store, their eyes were drawn to a colorful seasonal display. Clothes of all shapes and sizes beckoned them closer. Each mannequin was dressed in the latest fashion, looking chic and inviting.

‘Let’s try on some outfits,’ Anna suggested with a hopeful smile. Emma nodded, and they headed to the racks of clothes. They searched through the items, touching the fabric, soft or silky under their fingers. They chuckled as they chose the most vibrant dresses to try on.

In the fitting room, the girls took turns showing off different looks. Emma twirled in a red dress, its fabric flowing around her. Anna struck a pose in a fancy skirt, feeling like a star. ‘You look stunning,’ Emma said, clapping her hands. ‘That skirt really suits you,’ she added. Anna beamed, feeling her mood lift.

They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms, creating new styles. They laughed at silly hats and admired elegant scarves, forgetting their worries. After a while, their arms were heavy with clothes they loved.

As the sun began to set, Anna and Emma left the store, their spirits high. They walked home, chatting about their day, feeling much happier. Their shopping trip had been just what they needed. With bags full of new clothes, they were ready to face the world again.

General Level: B1.6

Vocabulary: B2.0

Verb Form: A2.8

Clause: B1.0


beam    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. long thick piece of wood or metal or concrete, etc., used in construction
    n. a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
    n. a column of light (as from a beacon)
    n. (nautical) breadth amidships


beckon    VERB    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. signal with the hands or nod
    v. appear inviting
    v. summon with a wave, nod, or some other gesture


cheer    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a cry or shout of approval
    v. give encouragement to
    v. show approval or good wishes by shouting
    v. cause (somebody) to feel happier or more cheerful


chic    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. elegance by virtue of being fashionable
    s. elegant and stylish


chuckle    VERB    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. laugh quietly or with restraint


colorful    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. having striking color
    a. striking in variety and interest


elegant    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. refined and tasteful in appearance or behavior or style
    s. suggesting taste, ease, and wealth
    s. displaying effortless beauty and simplicity in movement or execution


fabric    NOUN    B2    x2

Definition (En):

  1. artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers


fitting    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a small and often standardized accessory to a larger system
    n. putting clothes on to see whether they fit
    s. in harmony with the spirit of particular persons or occasion
    s. being precisely fitting and right


inviting    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. attractive and tempting


mannequin    NOUN    C2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a woman who wears clothes to display fashions
    n. a life-size dummy used to display clothes


nod    VERB    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a sign of assent or salutation or command
    n. the act of nodding the head
    v. express or signify by nodding
    v. lower and raise the head, as to indicate assent or agreement or confirmation


outfit    NOUN    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. any cohesive unit such as a military company
    n. a set of clothing (with accessories)


pose    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. a posture assumed by models for photographic or artistic purposes
    v. pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions
    v. behave affectedly or unnaturally in order to impress others


rack    NOUN    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. framework for holding objects
    n. rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or mutton
    n. an instrument of torture that stretches or disjoints or mutilates victims
    n. a support for displaying various articles


seasonal    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. occurring at or dependent on a particular season


silky    ADJ    C2    x1

Definition (En):

s having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light


stunning    ADJ    B2    x1

Definition (En):

  1. causing great astonishment and consternation
    s. causing or capable of causing bewilderment or shock or insensibility
    s. strikingly beautiful or attractive


twirl    VERB    +∞    x1

Definition (En):

  1. turn in a twisting or spinning motion


vibrant    ADJ    C1    x1

Definition (En):

  1. vigorous and animated
    s. of sounds that are strong and resonating
    s. of colors that are bright and striking

Phrases and Idioms




after a while


  • After a while, their arms were heavy with clothes they loved.

chat about (someone or something)


  • They walked home, chatting about their day, feeling much happier.

cheer someone up


  • They thought that shopping might cheer them up.

in (some kind of) fashion


  • Each mannequin was dressed in the latest fashion, looking chic and inviting.

mix and match


  • They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms, creating new styles.

strike a pose


  • Anna struck a pose in a fancy skirt, feeling like a star.

True / False / Not Given

  1. Anna and Emma went to shop as they thought it could make them feel better.


  1. The store they went into was dull and had very little decoration.


  1. Emma suggested that they should try wearing some new clothes.


  1. Anna and Emma chose not to buy any of the items they found in the store.


  1. The girls spent a lot of time mixing different clothes to create new styles.


  1. They only tried on dresses and didn’t look at any other clothing items.


  1. Emma felt sad after trying on a red dress in the dressing room.


  1. Anna felt confident when she tried on the skirt.


  1. The girls walked out of the store because they needed to get some fresh air.


  1. Anna and Emma’s mood improved after their shopping trip.

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Short Answer Questions

  1. Why did Anna and Emma decide to go shopping?


  1. What made Anna and Emma go closer to the display in the store?


  1. How did the girls feel when they entered the fitting room?


  1. What did the girls do after trying on different outfits?


  1. What did Emma say about Anna’s new skirt?


  1. How did Anna feel after receiving Emma’s compliment?


  1. What did the girls forget while admiring the clothes?


  1. How did Anna and Emma feel when they left the store?


  1. Why were Anna and Emma’s arms heavy when they finished shopping?


  1. What did Anna and Emma do on their way home from the store?

Multiple Choice Cloze

Anna and Emma were walking down the busy street, feeling a bit ___1___. They thought that shopping might ___2___ them up. As they entered a bright store, their eyes were drawn to a ___3___ seasonal display. Clothes of all shapes and sizes beckoned them ___4___. Each mannequin was dressed in the latest fashion, looking chic and inviting.

‘Let’s try on some outfits,’ Anna suggested with a ___5___ smile. Emma nodded, and they headed to the racks of clothes. They ___6___ through the items, touching the fabric, soft or silky under their fingers. They chuckled as they chose the most vibrant dresses to try on.

In the fitting room, the girls took turns showing off different looks. Emma twirled in a red dress, its fabric ___7___ around her. Anna struck a pose in a fancy skirt, feeling like a star. ‘You look stunning,’ Emma said, clapping her hands. ‘That skirt really ___8___ you,’ she added. Anna beamed, feeling her mood lift.

They spent hours mixing and ___9___ tops and bottoms, creating new styles. They laughed at silly hats and admired elegant scarves, forgetting their worries. After a while, their arms were heavy with clothes they ___10___.

As the sun began to set, Anna and Emma left the store, their spirits high. They walked home, chatting about their day, feeling much happier. Their shopping trip had been just what they needed. With bags full of new clothes, they were ready to face the world again.


1) A. down    B. excited    C. nervous    D. quiet   

2) A. bring    B. cheer    C. push    D. hold   

3) A. colorful    B. dull    C. simple    D. boring   

4) A. further    B. near    C. back    D. closer   

5) A. skeptical    B. hopeful    C. sad    D. angry   

6) A. searched    B. glanced    C. jumped    D. pulled   

7) A. dripping    B. flowing    C. freezing    D. breaking   

8) A. fits    B. suits    C. wears    D. matches    

9) A. matching    B. separating    C. splitting    D. losing   

10) A. hated    B. ignored    C. loved    D. placed   

True / False / Not Given Answers

  1. True

Explanation: The text says that Anna and Emma thought shopping might cheer them up, which means they went shopping to feel better.

(“They thought that shopping might cheer them up.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text describes the store as ‘bright’ with a ‘colorful seasonal display’, which is the opposite of dull and not decorated.

(“As they entered a bright store, their eyes were drawn to a colorful seasonal display.”)


  1. False

Explanation: According to the text, it was Anna, not Emma, who suggested trying on some outfits.

(“‘Let’s try on some outfits,’ Anna suggested with a hopeful smile.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text states they left the store with high spirits and doesn’t mention not buying anything. Given they spent hours mixing and matching, it implies they did find items they liked.

(“As the sun began to set, Anna and Emma left the store, their spirits high.”)


  1. True

Explanation: It’s stated that they spent hours mixing and matching different pieces of clothing, indicating they did spend a lot of time.

(“They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms, creating new styles.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The text mentions that they were mixing and matching tops and bottoms, which shows they looked at other clothing items and not just dresses.

(“They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms, creating new styles.”)


  1. False

Explanation: The description of Emma twirling in the dress suggests she enjoyed it and does not indicate she felt sad.

(“Emma twirled in a red dress, its fabric flowing around her.”)


  1. True

Explanation: The text says Anna ‘felt like a star’ in the skirt, indicating she felt confident.

(“Anna struck a pose in a fancy skirt, feeling like a star.”)


  1. Not Given

Explanation: There is no information provided about why they walked out of the store specifically for fresh air.



  1. True

Explanation: The statement ‘Their shopping trip had been just what they needed’ implies that their mood improved after the trip.

(“Their shopping trip had been just what they needed.”)


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Short Answer Answers

  1. They thought that shopping might cheer them up.

Explanation: The text states that they felt a bit down and thought shopping might cheer them up, indicating the reason for their decision to shop.

(“They thought that shopping might cheer them up.”)


  1. Clothes of all shapes and sizes beckoned them closer.

Explanation: The text describes that the clothes beckoned Anna and Emma closer, which means that the variety and appeal of the clothes attracted them.

(“Clothes of all shapes and sizes beckoned them closer.”)


  1. They felt like stars.

Explanation: Anna felt like a star when trying on a skirt, implying that being in the fitting room and trying clothes made them feel good.

(“Anna struck a pose in a fancy skirt, feeling like a star.”)


  1. They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms.

Explanation: The text mentions that after trying on different looks, they continued to experiment with fashion by mixing and matching.

(“They spent hours mixing and matching tops and bottoms,”)


  1. That skirt really suits you.

Explanation: Emma complimented Anna’s skirt by saying it suited her, showing her approval.

(“That skirt really suits you,”)


  1. She beamed, feeling her mood lift.

Explanation: The text explains that Anna’s mood lifted after Emma complimented her, indicating that she felt happy.

(“Anna beamed, feeling her mood lift.”)


  1. Their worries.

Explanation: The text says that they laughed at silly hats and admired elegant scarves, forgetting their worries.

(“forgetting their worries.”)


  1. Their spirits were high.

Explanation: The text indicates they left the store with high spirits, meaning they felt happy and uplifted after shopping.

(“Their spirits were high.”)


  1. Their arms were heavy with clothes they loved.

Explanation: The text describes that they had many clothes that they loved, which made their arms heavy with bags.

(“their arms were heavy with clothes they loved.”)


  1. They walked home, chatting about their day.

Explanation: The text states that they talked about their day as they walked home, indicating what they did on their way back.

(“They walked home, chatting about their day,”)

Multiple Choice Cloze Answers

  1. C

Explanation: The correct answer ‘nervous’ describes their feelings and fits in the context.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Cheer’ is the correct verb which means to make more cheerful.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Colorful’ is correct as it describes the display that caught their eyes.


  1. D

Explanation: ‘Closer’ is correct as it indicates movement towards the clothes.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Hopeful’ is correct as it indicates a positive outlook.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Searched’ is correct because it indicates looking for something carefully.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Flowing’ is suitable as it describes the movement of the fabric.


  1. B

Explanation: ‘Suits’ is correct because it means ‘looks good on someone’.


  1. A

Explanation: ‘Matching’ means combining things in a harmonious way.


  1. C

Explanation: ‘Loved’ is correct, it shows their strong positive feelings towards the clothes.

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